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State-of-the-Art Strategies for Unlimited Wealth and Abundance

  In many of my posts I relate the importance of having the right mindset. That is,  the habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations. It’s just the habitual way you think about things. Many of us...

The Mind of a Multimillionaire: Roadmap to Abundance

I now realize there are millions of self-made millionaires who started with nothing. They dug inside themselves to find the answers and they succeeded. There is nothing anyone else can do that I can’t do.”  ≈  Dean Graziosi  The Importance of Controlling Your Thoughts...

Multimillionaire Actions You Can Take Now

Choose a Positive Mindset “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”...

21st Century Multimillionaires Practice 3 Things

We are what we repeatedly do.” Aristotle Our “Future Multimillionaire Selves” can only become a reality if we change our behaviors from those of the regular guy to those of the Multimillionaire who responds to the voice of Yah. They see things differently and develop...

Mind Control for Kingdom Multimillionaires

"A person's words can be life-giving water; words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook.” Proverbs 18:4 Disregard or “make no matter” the things you don’t have. "You grow rich by becoming oblivious to what you don’t have."  David O. Most of us are...

The Power of Consecration for Wealth Building

In the Bible the word consecration is defined as “the separation of oneself from things that are unclean, especially anything that would contaminate one’s relationship with a perfect God.” Consecration can also be thought of as sanctification, holiness, or purity. The...

5 Habits of Forbe’s 400 Wealthiest Americans for Kingdom Multimillionaires Pt.2

“Life is business, and business is life. Learn one, and you will have also learned the other.” Rabbi Daniel Lapin The time-tested knowledge found in the ancient Jewish faith and culture gives “scientific” support of the relevance of this faith and culture to living an...

5 Habits of Forbe’s 400 Wealthiest Americans for Kingdom Multimillionaires

Gaining wealth is about increasing wisdom.” Rabbi Daniel Lapin It’s a fact: rising multimillionaires must cultivate a love of learning. As you rise to various levels of business and financial management, you must learn the ways and  principles of that particular level...

I Am Full of Health, Longevity and Prosperity

I declare that I am not going to lose. I am full of health, longevity and prosperity. I have a sound mind. I declare that I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ! I expect great things for my life. There are experiences that I have been through, and God brought me...

A Noble Desire: Become a Billionaire

“If you have an outrageous financial goal that you can’t even mention to your close friends, that is a good thing. Never listen to anyone who tells you that it is a bad thing and it is based on greed. As long as you are not planning to wrongfully take what belongs to...

Recession is an economic reality in our American culture. The system is designed to control the economic advancement of the people. However, Kingdom Multimillionaires are not of this culture. The Kingdom of God is one of abundance, prosperity, growth and stability. The only ups and downs we experience are the ones we bring on ourselves by being  out of sync with Kingdom Culture. Kingdom Principles keep us grounded and unaffected by what is going on around us. 

With a foundation of always “seeking the Kingdom of God and it’s righteousness”, there are two things we can do  to Recession-Proof our lives. One is to always seek Significance more than you seek success. This is not the regular way we think about wealth. It is so easy to just think about getting the money, but the reality of it is, Significance leads to lasting success and money.

A simple way to describe Significance would be to answer the question, “Would I be doing this work or business if I was not being paid for it?” Is this something you enjoy doing? Is this something that means a lot to you? If you are just working for money, after a while, the money won’t be thrilling to you any more. You will look for something else to fulfill you if what you are doing is not Significant to you.

“The price for your soul should be what your soul delights in. You have one life. Make as much money as you want. But don’t let the promise of money make you do what you will not be happy with.”

David O.

Significance is found in your Purpose. There’s a lot written about Purpose but it is simply something that  fits your talents, abilities and desires. It really boils down to something that you enjoy but also adds value to life for yourself and others. (See:

(See: “The Superiority of a Purpose Driven Business  and “Find Your Purpose: Become a Multimillionaire) You will find that what you do is not driven by the environment, but it’s driven by your internal goals. This is Recession-Proof action. Holy Spirit will guide you through environmental issues to success if you are on your God-Given Purpose or Mission.

“You don’t get rich by doing certain things — you get rich by doing things in a certain way”

David O.

In unstable financial times, the way we manage our money is paramount. Our focus must be on growing money rather than spending money. As our income increases, a focus on asset accumulation is the Recession-Proof way to Multimillionaire status. We can see this by just considering how the rich become richer. 

 “ They don’t buy luxuries with ordinary income and take on consumer debt such that all of their salary is spent servicing that debt. Instead, they own apartment houses, businesses, or stock portfolios that generate income and wealth. Then they use the income and wealth from those assets to pay for the life of their dreams.”

Jason Clendenen “The Secret to Why the Rich Get Richer and You Don’t.”

Solid Multimillionaires buy asset producing things  with the income they don’t need for basic living expenses. They don’t spend money by buying things that depreciate in value like, clothes, cars and other things that don’t automatically gain value until they have discretionary money.

“Instead, they own apartment houses, businesses, or stock portfolios that generate income and wealth.Then they use the income and wealth from those assets to pay for the life of their dreams.”

Robert Kyosaki, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”


Robert Kyosaki, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” 

The fact is that they don’t rely on their salaries to pay for their house, car, or vacation. They pay for the depreciating things with their assets, such as real estate, investment, or business profits.

The bottom line…Kingdom Multimillionaires are Recession-Proof because they are engaged in a Significant Purpose designed by God and they manage their money as most rich people do with a focus on asset accumulation.

Following is a powerful blessing for you:

“May you have insight and God’s dream for the wonder of the Kingdom. And may you create wealth and change the world around you with the power of God’s Kingdom.”

Tommy Reid and Al Warner, “Create Wealth to Build God’s Dream”


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