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State-of-the-Art Strategies for Unlimited Wealth and Abundance

  In many of my posts I relate the importance of having the right mindset. That is,  the habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations. It’s just the habitual way you think about things. Many of us...

The Mind of a Multimillionaire: Roadmap to Abundance

I now realize there are millions of self-made millionaires who started with nothing. They dug inside themselves to find the answers and they succeeded. There is nothing anyone else can do that I can’t do.”  ≈  Dean Graziosi  The Importance of Controlling Your Thoughts...

Multimillionaire Actions You Can Take Now

Choose a Positive Mindset “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”...

21st Century Multimillionaires Practice 3 Things

We are what we repeatedly do.” Aristotle Our “Future Multimillionaire Selves” can only become a reality if we change our behaviors from those of the regular guy to those of the Multimillionaire who responds to the voice of Yah. They see things differently and develop...

Kingdom Multimillionaires are Recession-Proof

Recession is an economic reality in our American culture. The system is designed to control the economic advancement of the people. However, Kingdom Multimillionaires are not of this culture. The Kingdom of God is one of abundance, prosperity, growth and stability....

Mind Control for Kingdom Multimillionaires

"A person's words can be life-giving water; words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook.” Proverbs 18:4 Disregard or “make no matter” the things you don’t have. "You grow rich by becoming oblivious to what you don’t have."  David O. Most of us are...

The Power of Consecration for Wealth Building

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5 Habits of Forbe’s 400 Wealthiest Americans for Kingdom Multimillionaires Pt.2

“Life is business, and business is life. Learn one, and you will have also learned the other.” Rabbi Daniel Lapin The time-tested knowledge found in the ancient Jewish faith and culture gives “scientific” support of the relevance of this faith and culture to living an...

I Am Full of Health, Longevity and Prosperity

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A Noble Desire: Become a Billionaire

“If you have an outrageous financial goal that you can’t even mention to your close friends, that is a good thing. Never listen to anyone who tells you that it is a bad thing and it is based on greed. As long as you are not planning to wrongfully take what belongs to...

Gaining wealth is about increasing wisdom.”

Rabbi Daniel Lapin

It’s a fact: rising multimillionaires must cultivate a love of learning. As you rise to various levels of business and financial management, you must learn the ways and  principles of that particular level of wealth and stature. If you do not master your current level, and learn about the next, you will not advance. You will be stuck.

A love of learning is crucial to you becoming the “future self” that you envision,  and fortunately, there are vast bodies of knowledge easily available to anyone who desires to learn. You will learn from the experiences of others in the field of your choice, and as advancement is made in you discipline, you can stay on the cutting edge. Therefore, you must stay open to learning more and more. Reading, taking courses and consulting with experts must be regular habits. These are regular habits of all successful rising multimillionaires. Once learning becomes a regular habit, it is becomes enjoyable as well as profitable.

Rabbi Daniel Lapin has written an important book for Kingdom Business Founders, “Thou Shall Prosper”. I strongly recommend that you read this book from cover to cover. It is worth gold to your business knowledge and growth toward your “future self”. Rabbi Lapin emphasizes how the Torah has guided the success of Jewish business owners. He relates that of Forbe Magazine’s annual announcement of the 400 wealthiest Americans, 60 to 100 of these people are Jews. Each year it is different, but at least 60 are Jews although Jews make up a small percent of the entire population. Dr. Lapin’s book provides 10 Commandments for Making Money according to the Torah. The Torah  helps us know how the world really works.

In this post, I will briefly review five of Rabbi Lapin’s Commandments and continue in a later post with the final five.


“Deep within traditional Jewish culture lies the conviction that the only real way to achieve wealth is to attend diligently to the needs of others and to conduct oneself in an honorable and trustworthy fashion.” Rabbi Lapin

Commandment #1 Believe in the Dignity and Morality of Business

Unfortunately, we live in a society that generally regards business wealth as an undesirable thing. Many of us think it takes advantage of the poor and is basically a selfish, personal endeavor not concerned with the results of the business activity. This thought is ingrained in our media, our institutions of learning, and our churches. A cultural belief that Rabbi Lapin points out is, “Charity is good, business is selfish.” This erroneous belief is shared by a large majority  of people. Of course there are always unscrupulous and selfish business owners, but the majority are not that way. “You can’t earn an honest living without pleasing others”,Rabbi Lapin.

The Torah as well as the entire Bible points to the value of money  for God’s people. In the beginning, God said that everything He created was good. Gold was a special gift to mankind. Gold symbolizes money and wealth. God provided it for us to enjoy and use for the expansion of His Kingdom.


“You are simply going to have to learn how to relate to strangers with the sincere warmth and interest that turns them into friends .” Rabbi Lapin

Commandment #2 Extend the Network of Your Connectedness to Many People

Yeshua gave us the two greatest Commandments:

30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. KJV

Business is a social act. There is no way you can build a large successful business without people. You must learn to love people, all types of people; your employees, your customers, your business affiliates, your family and anybody affiliated with you. This gives us a sense of completeness that Yah meant for us to have. He made us as social beings. The most powerful and prosperity producing business Mission or Purpose we can have is to provide some needed product or service to people. If we serve, the money will follow. Rabbi Lapin relates,“The way to advance in your profession is to find a way to help people above you and below you in your discipline”. Everybody needs some type of help. Focus on helping. This will improve your importance to the great people that cross your path. “Make sure all your friends and contacts know that there are ways you could help them and you are eager to h help them,” Rabbi Lapin.


“You too need to build a kind of spiritual prism through which you can more clearly see yourself without being distracted by the glare of your ego.”

Rabbi Lapin

Commandment #3 Get to Know Yourself

In the Business Architecture for Kingdom Founders training, I share the importance of having a strong Mission or Purpose plus Values or Principles that will guide all actions in your business. This is called your Core Ideology. The Word of Yah plus your important Values will create the spiritual prism that allows you to see yourself more clearly.

Knowing yourself is important, but Benjamin Hardy tells us that self-imaginations are fair more compelling and powerful. We can never have a completely objective view of ourselves, but he says:

“The more imaginative you can be about yourself, about what you learn, and about your future, the more creative control you can have over these things.”

Benjamin Hardy

That’s why a “spiritual prism” is so important. It organizes your life and allows you to work beyond the chaos of daily life.  It helps promote order, plus it gives you a sense of grounding and stabilization. As you begin to know your “future self’, you will also realize the critical need for constant growth.


“In your business and your personal life, try to become comfortable with the second-best solution if the very best solution is unattainable.”

Rabbi Lapin

Commandment #4 Do Not Pursue Perfection

Unfortunately, many of us are looking for things to be perfect.  It can stop us from moving on. We look for perfection in ourselves, our families, our friends, as well as in our businesses. There is nothing wrong with shooting for excellence or high quality, but looking for perfection is a futile endeavor. There will always be room for improvement in every area of our lives. Rabbi Lapin suggests that we become comfortable with second best, if that is all we can attain at the time. When you have done your very best, rest with that.

Envying those in a better place than we are is a type of aiming for perfection with perfection being the status of the one we envy. It’s far better to appreciate where we are and the progress we are making toward our own personal dreams. Gratitude is the remedy. “Focus on the good, the wonderful, and the miraculous”, Rabbi Lapin.


“Leadership is most needed precisely during moments of chaos, fear, and stress. When feeling fear and uncertainty, people run gratefully to the man or woman who seems fearless and who seems to know what is going on and the direction in which people or events should be going.”

Rabbi Lapin

Commandment #5 Lead Consistently and Constantly


Be the First Believer”, says Deutschlander and Campe. Basically, they say that attitude and effort show your intentions. If you are the first believer, your attitude and effort will be controlled by what you really believe in. As a leader, you will lead consistently and constantly if your attitude and effort are shaped by your Purpose. The ability to manage your attitude and effort are critical. 

There are many facets to great leaders. In Business Architecture fo Kingdom Founders, you will learn the behaviors of several types of leaders but one primary thing all the types share in common is that “They Walk the Talk”. Your followers must see you doing the things your business and your business culture asks them to do.

A key thing that Rabbi Lapin advises is to use the power of prayer to achieve your business goals. He says,” Early each day, find a quiet opportunity to say out loud an affirmation of faith having to do with some business challenge.” Finally, you must carry yourself like a leader. Show confidence, courage, and commitment to your objectives and goals.

There is absolutely no reason why you cannot adopt these practices of America’s wealthiest people for yourself!


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